Nutrition plays a fundamental role in allowing players to maximize their Potential on the field.
There are a large number of professional players who do not pay enough attention to the importance of eating the right food. Obviously it is difficult to maintain a healthy diet 100% of the time but as Polo athletes, is it very important to eat adequate amounts of nutritious food to optimize your chance of performing and prevent getting too tired. Furthermore, hydrate, repair muscles, prevent injuries and replace valuable nutrients you lose in sweating.
Every player should be conscious of maintaining a balanced diet high in carbohydrate and liquids, low in fats and moderate in protein and fiber. More than anything it is recommended 5 foods, essential to include in your diet as a polo player.
FRUIT : Is one of the most important components of a player diet given that it contains large quantities of vitamins and minerals. Furthermore, it’s a source of hydration and energy. The best fruits for players are bananas, oranges and strawberries. The potassium content in bananas is very high. When you do intensive exercise such as playing 4 chukkas in a row, you lose a large amount of potassium through sweat and there is a risk that this will lead to muscle cramps and fatigue.
Oranges should also be essential to the polo player diet because they contain large quantities of vitamin C. Vitamin C can help reduce inflammation and also helps the body to absorb Iron. Furthermore, it reinforces the immune system and increases resistance to infections. So, EAT more fruit, especially bananas and oranges if you want to play on and perform
EGGS: Its recommend that players eat eggs at least three times a week! Eggs contain vitamin A, B and provide more than 7 grams of protein. They are excellent for your immune system, Response of your nervous system and vision. As you know, Polo is a sport that requires quick reactions given the speed at which it is played. If you are feeling sluggish or switched off, its worth increasing your egg intake.
CHICKEN BREASTS: Chicken without the skin is a brilliant source of nutrition. While it is very low in calories, it contains roughly 27 grams of protein and only 3 grams of fat. It is a great source of vitamin B and helps players to maintain lean muscle. A bonus is it helps your memory. (So you won’t forget to stick to that player or swing for the ball..)
OILY FISH: Oily fishes such as Salmon and Tuna contain a good amount of Omega that is excellent for helping the body recover quickly, repair muscles and improve your immune system. To avoid common muscle tear injuries in polo be sure to eat more fish!
PASTAS AND RICE: Energy, energy and more energy. Whole grains such as pastas and rice are a fantasic source of carbohydrates. They not only give you long lasting energy boosts that are essential for avoiding getting tired during games, but also help your body recover more quickly after a match or training session.
Try to maintain a balanced diet that includes all of the foods and Remember to drink a lot of water!
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