If it is important to train the body and work the muscles, taking a break is just as important, since the result of the workouts is closely linked to the breaks. In addition to a good warm-up, adequate hydration and a correct diet, rest is necessary for the body to recover and assimilate training sessions well.
We cannot have our muscles in constant tension, in all sports it is necessary to give the body a vacation time to rest. It is a very common mistake in many athletes to schedule rest only when the body reaches the limit and in reality, taking a rest only when fatigue appears is not a good reference, since the injury does not always appear at the same time.
In turn, there are many psychological benefits to taking a vacation. On vacation you are providing your mind and body a time of relaxation that will help you increase your well-being and reduce stress. During the vacation period, you may sleep better, feel more energetic, and improve your mood.
Playing sports is a set of actions that must be carried out in balance, not only in the moment of maximum tension, but also in moments of relaxation, that is, balance is essential for the final result of practicing sports to be beneficial and healthy, in any case. We must remember that sport and rest go hand in hand, they are like Ying and Yang, without one there cannot be the other and if we do not do them when we play, we will be unbalancing the ideal exercise.